Annual Report 2022

Collection of key figures

Audit with limited assurance

Pursuant to Section 315e (1) HGB, the consolidated financial statements of HHLA are prepared in accordance with IFRS as at the closing date. The amounts used to calculate the relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) for revenue (revenue KPI), capital expenditure (CapEx KPI) and operating expenses (OpEx KPI) are based on the figures reported in the consolidated financial statements so that duplicate counting across economic activities can be avoided. In terms of collecting and calculating the KPIs using data located in other HHLA IT systems, the quality of the data was ensured by means of control mechanisms (double-checking principle) and plausibility checks.

Based on the complete analysis of economic activities to determine taxonomy eligibility and alignment, the proportion of taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned revenue, capital expenditure and operating expenses of HHLA in the respective totals for the 2022 financial year is stated. 


Revenue KPI


Revenue includes the income disclosed in accordance with Section 82a International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1, within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No. 1126/2008.

The revenue KPI is determined as a ratio of the numerator and denominator as defined below:

  • The numerator of the revenue KPI is defined as Group revenue generated by products and services in connection with taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned commercial activities.
  • The denominator of the revenue KPI is based on the HHLA Group’s reported revenue in the income statement

Revenue KPI

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Revenue KPI

Revenue disclosed in the HHLA Group income statement was analysed across all Group companies to evaluate whether it was generated by taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned economic activities pursuant to Annex I (Material contribution to climate change mitigation) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/852. Analysis of economic activities

Following a detailed analysis of the items included in revenue, the respective revenue amounts are allocated to the taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned economic activities.

Revenue KPIs

The revenue KPIs calculated for the 2022 financial year are as follows:

Revenue key figures

in € million




in %




in %










of which taxonomy-eligible









of which taxonomy-aligned







of which non-taxonomy-eligible









In 2021, use was made of a relief granted by the EU and only the shares of taxonomy-eligible and non-taxonomy-eligible economic activities were disclosed.


HHLA generates most of its revenue from its seaport terminals and intermodal container transport in Central and Eastern Europe. Overall, 95.6 % of revenue was generated from taxonomy-eligible economic activities. This percentage was approximately the same as in the previous year.

The main components of taxonomy-eligible revenue were economic activities "6.16 Infrastructure enabling low carbon water transport" at 55.8 % and "6.2 Freight rail transport" at 21.0 %. Other components are detailed in the reporting forms for EU taxonomy. Reporting forms for EU taxonomy

Alignment has been reported for the first time for the 2022 financial year. The percentage of taxonomy-aligned activities of HHLA was 80.7 % in the reporting year. The main contributing activities were "6.16 Infrastructure enabling low carbon water transport" at 55.8 % and "6.2 Freight rail transport" at 20.4 %. The majority of revenue was generated from customer contracts for container handling and transport.

Only 14.9 % of HHLA’s revenue in the 2022 financial year was taxonomy-eligible but not taxonomy-aligned.

Capital expenditure (CapEx)


The basis for measuring capital expenditure is additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets during the financial year in question before depreciation and amortisation, and any remeasurements for the financial year in question and fair value changes. This also includes additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets resulting from business combinations (application of IFRS [IAS 16, 38, 40, 41, IFRS 16]). Acquired goodwill is not taken into account. Investments in non-current assets that are classified as held for sale or for distribution are only accounted for until the first time the relevant classification is made.

The CapEx KPI is determined as a ratio of the numerator and denominator as defined below:


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The CapEx KPI provides the share of capital expenditure associated with a taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned economic activity. Additions are made either in fully taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned individual companies or are directly attributable to taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned economic activities following an analysis with regard to taxonomy eligibility or taxonomy alignment and a comparison with Annex I (Material contribution to climate change mitigation) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/852. Analysis of economic activities

Reconciliation of investments to the CapEx ratio

in € million



Reported investments (incl. rights of use)



Addition of property, plant and equipment through acquisition



CapEx key figure



The KPIs calculated for the proportion of taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned capital expenditure are as follows:

CapEx key figures

in € million




in %




in %










of which taxonomy-eligible









of which taxonomy-aligned







of which non-taxonomy-eligible









In 2021, use was made of a relief granted by the EU and only the shares of taxonomy-eligible and non-taxonomy-eligible economic activities were disclosed.

In the 2022 financial year, 92.2 % of capital expenditure corresponded to the application area of the EU taxonomy and could thus be assigned as taxonomy-eligible. This was the same as in the previous year. Most of the taxonomy-eligible capital expenditure was also taxonomy-aligned. The largest taxonomy-aligned capital expenditures related to the economic activities "6.16 Infrastructure enabling low carbon water transport" at 36.7 % and "6.2 Infrastructure for rail transport" at 24.4 %. The absolute change compared with the previous year was due to the significant additions to property, plant and equipment as a result of an acquisition in 2021. Reporting forms for EU taxonomy


The EU Taxonomy Regulation also provides for the classification of capital expenditure as taxonomy-aligned if

  • it is part of a plan to expand taxonomy-aligned economic activities or convert taxonomy-eligible into taxonomy-aligned economic activities (CapEx plan) or
  • it relates to the acquisition of production from taxonomy-aligned economic activities and to individual measures aimed at conducting the target activities on a low-carbon basis or reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Capital expenditure in both of the aforementioned categories is of minor importance (< 1 % of total capital expenditure) and is therefore not material.

Operating expenses (OpEx)


The basis for measuring operating expenses are direct, non-capitalised costs for research and development, building renovation measures, short-term leases, maintenance and repairs, and any other direct expenditure for the day-to-day servicing of property, plant and equipment by the company or by third parties that are necessary to guarantee the continued and effective operation of these facilities.

The OpEx KPI is determined as a ratio of the numerator and denominator as defined below:

  • The numerator of the OpEx KPI are the operating expenses that are taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned.
  • The denominator comprises the total direct, non-capitalised costs for research and development, building renovations, short-term leases, maintenance and repairs, and all other direct expenditure for the ongoing maintenance of property, plant and equipment.


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The OpEx KPI reveals the proportion of operating expenses as defined by the EU taxonomy that are associated with taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned economic activities. The numerator is the result of an analysis of the assets associated with the expenditure recorded in the above accounts with regard to their taxonomy eligibility or taxonomy alignment on the basis of Annex I (Material contribution to climate change mitigation) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/852. Analysis of economic activities

In order to determine the denominator, the accounts reflecting direct, non-capitalised costs for research and development, building renovations, short-term leases and maintenance and repair costs were considered and reviewed.


The KPIs calculated for operating expenditure are as follows:

OpEx key figures

in € million




in %




in %










of which taxonomy-eligible









of which taxonomy-aligned







of which non-taxonomy-eligible









In 2021, use was made of a relief granted by the EU and only the shares of taxonomy-eligible and non-taxonomy-eligible economic activities were disclosed.

In the 2022 financial year, operating expenses according to the definition of the EU taxonomy amounted to € 174.4 million. This mainly comprises workshop services for the container terminals and includes short-term leasing expenses, non-capitalised research and development expenses as well as personnel expenses incurred in the context of maintenance services. In total, 92.1% of OpEx expenses were classified as taxonomy-eligible. This corresponds to the same level as in the previous year and is at a similarly high level as the CapEx indicator. Most taxonomy-eligible operating expenses were also taxonomy-aligned. The largest taxonomy-aligned operating expenditure was in the economic activity "6.16 Infrastructure enabling low-carbon water transport" with 70.9 %. Reporting forms for EU taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy Regulation also provides for the classification of operating expenditure as taxonomy-aligned if

  • it is part of the CapEx plan to expand taxonomy-aligned economic activities or it enables the conversion of taxonomy-eligible into taxonomy-aligned economic activities within a pre-defined period, or
  • it relates to the acquisition of production from taxonomy-aligned economic activities, to individual measures aimed at conducting the target activities on a low-carbon basis or reducing greenhouse gas emissions or to individual building renovations.

Operating expenditure in both of the aforementioned categories is of minor importance (< 1 % of total capital expenditure) and is therefore not material.

International accounting standards.
International financial reporting standards.
Intermodal/Intermodal systems
Transportation via several modes of transport (water, rail, road) combining the specific advantages of the respective carriers.
Payments for investments in property, plant and equipment, investment property and intangible assets.
Revenue from sales or lettings and from services rendered, less sales deductions and VAT.
In maritime logistics, a terminal is a facility where freight transported by various modes of transport is handled.

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