Annual Report 2022

Notes on the reporting

The first-time consolidation of 100 % of shares in the companies CL EUROPORT s.r.o., based in Plzen, Czech Republic, and CL EUROPORT Sp. z o.o., based in Malaszewicze, Poland, took place on the acquisition date of 4 January 2022. The companies were included in HHLA’s consolidated group as fully consolidated companies as of 31 March 2022.

Since the invasion by Russian troops on 24 February 2022, the economic environment and economic developments in Ukraine have deteriorated. Even now, it is not possible to determine the future impact on the global economy with any certainty. Consequently, effects may arise that could have a negative influence on the future results of operations, net assets and financial position of the HHLA Group.

The development of long-term interest rates led to an increase in the relevant interest rate used to calculate pension provisions. Provisions for pensions decreased accordingly, while equity increased due to the reduction in actuarial effects brought about by interest rates.

Due to the high level of flexibility required in the sector, handling and transport services are not generally ordered or guaranteed months in advance. Consequently, order backlogs and order trends do not serve as reporting indicators as they do in other industries.

The 2022 consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) applicable in the European Union, taking into consideration the interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). The Group management report was prepared in line with the requirements of German Accounting Standard no. 20 (GAS 20).

International financial reporting standards.

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