Annual Report 2022

Health and occupational safety

Audit with limited assurance

Occupational safety

Numerous preventive measures and guidelines are in place to ensure that staff from both HHLA and external companies, customers, suppliers and visitors do not come to bodily harm, which is a key concern for HHLA.

By using modern technologies, HHLA strives to achieve constant improvements in occupational safety. When introducing new work equipment and methods at HHLA sites, the company’s occupational safety organisation is closely integrated into planning processes in order to adapt them to changing conditions within the company and to reflect the latest safety-related findings.

A software-based occupational safety management system is used to monitor occupational safety targets and measures.

HHLA implements measures that promote safety awareness, safe behaviours and a culture of safety over the long term. A pilot project to promote safety awareness and develop a behaviour-based safety culture was therefore continued at one of the container terminals in Hamburg during the reporting year – despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Due to the pandemic-related restrictions, in-person occupational safety campaigns at HHLA sites were avoided where possible. Instead, employees received training and given handy tips in online courses on topics relating to occupational safety, hazardous goods and ergonomics when working from home.

In 2022, 89 reportable accidents (excluding accidents when commuting) occurred at the companies in Hamburg in which HHLA holds a stake of more than 50 % (previous year: 91). For the first time in the financial year 2022, HHLA calculated the Lost Time Injury Rate (number of occupational accidents with more than three lost days per million working hours). It amounted to 11.8 for Germany in 2022. The reasons for changes or fluctuations are carefully analysed in order to quickly initiate structured preventive measures.

Occupational health

As part of its health promotion efforts, HHLA strives to develop a workable occupational health management system which reflects everyday needs and to systematically integrate these measures into company processes.

Furthermore, with the aid of targeted communication and information strategies, HHLA actively promotes existing health care services, such as social counselling and flu vaccinations. This has led to a significantly increased use of these services by employees.

The coronavirus pandemic continued to pose particular challenges for HHLA’s occupational health strategy in 2022. The coronavirus crisis team, which was established in 2020 under the leadership of the Executive Board, and a coronavirus task force based at the management holding company implemented the measures under the containment regulations, the German Protection Against Infection Act (IfSG) and the applicable BMAS regulations within HHLA. As a result of the swift and consistent implementation of coronavirus measures, beyond the legal requirements, the incidence of infections was avoided and HHLA’s facilities remained operational. This underlines the efficacy of the package of measures.

In maritime logistics, a terminal is a facility where freight transported by various modes of transport is handled.

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