Annual Report 2022

Disclosures in accordance with Section 289f (2) nos. 4 and 5 HGB

In accordance with Section 96 (2) AktG, the Supervisory Board of HHLA consists of at least 30 % women and 30 % men. There are currently four female members on the Supervisory Board, two of whom are shareholder representatives and two of whom are employee representatives. Women therefore now account for 33.3 % of both the shareholder representatives and the employee representatives on the Supervisory Board. The legal requirements, i.e. at least 30 % men and 30 % women, or four of each (rounded), are therefore met.

The Supervisory Board had set a quota of 25 % for women on the Executive Board by 30 June 2022. This target has been met. According to Section 76 (3a) AktG, added as a result of the German law to supplement and amend legislation on the equal participation of men and women in executive positions in the public and private sectors (the so-called German Second Management Positions Act – FüPOG II ), the executive board of a listed company governed by the German Co-Determination Act must now comprise at least one man and one woman wherever the executive board comprises more than three people. HHLA has already complied with this requirement throughout the reporting period. Since the departure of Dr. Roland Lappin on 31 January 2023, the proportion of women on the Executive Board is 50 %.

The Executive Board had set a target quota of 30 % for women on both management levels below the Executive Board and established a deadline for achieving this by 30 June 2022. As of 30 June 2022, women accounted for 25 % of the first management level and 26 % of the second management level. The main reasons why the targets were not met are that both management levels comprise relatively few people and there were relatively few subsequent appointments in the specified period for meeting the target by 30 June 2022. The Executive Board has set a new quota for the proportion of women on the first management level of four women (corresponding to around 30 % of the current figure of 13) and a quota of ten women for the second management level (corresponding to around 33.3 % of the current figure of 30). The deadline for achieving both targets is 31 December 2026. As of 31 December 2022, there were three women on the first level and eight women on the second management level.

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