Annual Report 2022

Composition and diversity

In accordance with the company’s articles of association, Sections 95 and 96 AktG and Section 7 of the German Co-Determination Act (MitbestG), the Supervisory Board consists of six shareholder representatives elected by the Annual General Meeting and six employee representatives elected in accordance with MitbestG.

In view of the various requirements and recommendations relating to Supervisory Board composition, the Supervisory Board of HHLA updated its requirement profile for the Supervisory Board in December 2022 as outlined below. In addition to key legal requirements and the recommendations of the GCGC concerning the composition of the Supervisory Board, the requirement profile includes the Supervisory Board’s own objectives for its composition, the skills profile for the Board as a whole in line with the GCGC, and the diversity concept for the Supervisory Board, including the disclosures pursuant to Section 289f (2) no. 6 HGB.

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