Annual Report 2023

Democratic principles and international standards

Not audited

As a responsible company, HHLA conducts its actions on the basis of lawfulness and integrity as a basic principle. Accordingly, as a listed European company, HHLA respects and adheres to the laws and regulations of all the countries where it operates as a matter of course when conducting its business activities. These include laws and regulations with regard to environmental issues, anti-corruption, prevention of money laundering, data protection, information security, sanctions and embargoes, and tax matters as well as the Market Abuse Regulation, the German Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (WpÜG) and the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). Likewise, issues of significance to HHLA employees, such as freedom of association or the structuring of co-determination at work (including notification periods), are regulated by legislation in the German Works Constitution Act (BetrVG) and are actively promoted and adhered to by HHLA. Legal framework

In addition to compliance with legal requirements, international principles form a significant foundation for HHLA’s actions and corporate culture. HHLA’s activities are thus guided by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN) and the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). Additional international standards and agreements such as the United Nations’ Global Compact (UNGC) and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) core labour standards are also fundamental to the company’s activities and corporate culture. By signing the Declaration of Principles for Diversity and against all Forms of Racism in June 2020, as well as the Diversity Charter in May 2022, the HHLA Executive Board also strengthened its commitment to diversity and an unbiased working environment.

Against this background, HHLA places great value on establishing compliance programmes within the Group. It has therefore established its own compliance management system with a Code of Conduct as its centrepiece. The HHLA Code of Conduct and other internal Group documents set out mandatory guidelines for activities, thereby helping to ensure that internationally recognised standards are observed and adhered to. The HHLA Code of Conduct is available online at

HHLA expects its employees to adhere to all applicable laws and internationally recognised principles. To maintain employee awareness, regular training is held on the Code of Conduct and the prevention of corruption, as well as other relevant issues such as occupational safety. Corporate governance declaration

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