Annual Report 2023

About this report

The HHLA Annual Report is published every year, most recently on 23 March 2023. As of the 2022 financial year, non-financial information is reported in the combined management report. There is no separate sustainability report.

The combined management report covers the business developments at both the HHLA Group (HHLA) and Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft (HHLA AG). Unless otherwise stated, the key figures and information in this report comprise the entire consolidated group. Notes to the consolidated financial statements, no. 3 Composition of the Group

The reporting period is the 2023 financial year (1 January to 31 December 2023). The data presented generally refers to this period or the facts and figures at the end of the reporting period. If information refers to a different period of time, this is explicitly stated.

Data collection is carried out by the respective units responsible for such information using representative methods for the reporting period. HHLA prepares its consolidated financial statements and interim reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Further information on IFRS is provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Notes to the consolidated financial statements, no. 2 Consolidation principles

The separate financial statements of HHLA AG are prepared in line with the accounting regulations of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The appropriation of profits is based solely on the separate financial statements of HHLA AG. Annual financial statements of HHLA AG

Unless otherwise indicated, the entire combined management report was audited with reasonable assurance by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Auditor’s report

Furthermore, the combined management report contains the non-financial statement (NFS) as per Sections 315b, 315c in conjunction with 289c to 289e HGB. This includes the disclosures within the scope of the European Union Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852). Non-financial statement

The audit of non-financial statement elements that are not part of the statutory audit of the Group management report was performed with limited assurance. Auditor’s report They are marked as follows in the document:

Audit with limited assurance

Content in blue brackets is audited with limited assurance.

The non-financial statement also contains supplementary non-financial information that is not legally required but is included in the non-financial statement for reasons of transparency. These sections were not subjected to a content-related audit and are marked in the document as follows:

Not audited

Content in grey brackets was not subjected to a content-related audit.

External links are marked with the symbol and are not part of the review.

International financial reporting standards.

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