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Materiality analysis

The nature of HHLA’s business means it has a large number of stakeholders with different expectations and demands. In order to obtain an up-to-date overview of these expectations and demands, HHLA once again conducted a materiality analysis in November 2021, in which the sustainability topics of potential relevance to its internal and external stakeholders were examined. The collection and evaluation of the data was based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI 101: Foundation 2016) guidelines.

The stakeholder survey process

The main stakeholders for HHLA were first identified by the specialist departments. This was initially based on internal sources, such as a list of key customers. The main stakeholders identified were customers (e.g. shipping companies), customers’ customers (e.g. forwarders), employees, suppliers, potential and existing shareholders, ESG rating agencies, associations and institutions, research institutes, political decision makers, NGOs, and local residents close to the .

The materiality analysis process

The materiality analysis process (diagram)

In a second step, a list of topics known to be relevant to both internal and external stakeholders was drawn up and structured in accordance with the central fields of activity of HHLA’s sustainability strategy. Sustainability strategy

A four-week online survey using a standard questionnaire was then carried out internationally. External stakeholders from all of the groups identified, as well as managers from a number of different divisions, took part in the survey.

In total, approximately 60 people rated topics of potential relevance to HHLA, particularly customers, business partners, suppliers, investors and HHLA staff. Stakeholders also had the chance to rate the importance of topics, as well as add to them or make comments on them.

This digital survey was combined with qualitative interviews with experts. A total of 15 representatives from the fields of customers, investors, ESG ratings, NGOs and associations took part in the 60-minute interviews. All participants were asked about HHLA’s fields of activity.

The results of the stakeholder survey were analysed internally and presented to the Executive Board. They were also used to refine HHLA’s sustainability strategy under the Balanced Logistics heading and to define the fields of activity.

Materiality matrix

Material topics for HHLA in line with the double materiality clause set out in Section 289c (3) HGB.

Hover the mouse over an area to expand it

4 to 5 = material
5 to 6 = very material

Results of the stakeholder survey

The results of the most recent stakeholder survey largely correspond with the results of the previous stakeholder surveys. The topics of “Active diversity management” and “Minimising noise pollution” were categorised as material to a certain extent. None of the potentially relevant topics covered were rated as immaterial or hardly material. The results are displayed in the following table.

Results of the stakeholder survey





Relevance for the stakeholders asked



Fields of activity




Very material



Climate-friendly logistics chains


Product range for CO2-neutral container transport


Operation and expansion of climate friendly logistics chains



Land conservation


Efficient use of terminal area





Climate protection and energy efficiency


Operational CO2 neutrality
Use of renewable energy


Increase of energy efficiency
Promotion or development and use of renewable energy from own energy sources



Environmental and resource protection


Reduction of resource consumption
Promotion of the circular economy
Conservation and promotion of biodiversity
Reduction of light emissions





Health and safety


Health promotion of employees


Occupational safety according to international standards for employees



Working environment


Attractiveness as an employer
Securing jobs
Education and training of employees





Corporate citizenship


Active stakeholder dialogue
Social or social engagement





Added value and innovation


Expansion of digitisation to create new business activities
Development of new business activities along the logistics chain
Promotion and development of infrastructure and/or production capacities for alternative energy sources


Expansion of digitisation for process optimization
Enhancement of efficiency



Business partners


Supply chain transparency
Purchasing policies related to environmental, social and governance


Strengthen customer relationships



Development of shareholder value


Stable dividend payout
Capital market positioning as a sustainable investment


Growth and profitability



Strategy and management


Integrate governance, environmental and social factors into corporate strategy
Integrate governance, environmental and social factors into risk management





Business Ethics and Integrity


Promotion of international initiatives


Actively combating corruption and bribery
Respect for human rights
Privacy and security

Results of the materiality analysis

The HHLA topics categorised as material or very material in the stakeholder survey were analysed internally by a specialist committee both with regard to HHLA’s economic, environmental and social impact on the respective topic and with regard to the topic’s relevance for the success of the company. As such, the materiality analysis fulfils the reporting requirements of both the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the German CSR Directive Implementation Act (CSR-RUG). Information about the non-financial report/determining the content of the non-financial report

Materiality matrix

Material topics for HHLA in line with the double materiality clause set out in Section 289c (3) HGB.

Materiality matrix (graphic)

In maritime logistics, a terminal is a facility where freight transported by various modes of transport is handled.