NFR Part of the non-financial-report

Revenue: Taxonomy-eligible revenue share

The KPI calculated for the proportion of taxonomy-eligible in the 2021 financial year was 96.0 %.

The revenue KPI is determined as a ratio of the numerator and denominator as defined below:

  • The numerator of the revenue KPI is defined as net generated by products and services in connection with the taxonomy-eligible business activities.
  • The denominator of the revenue KPI is based on consolidated net revenue of the HHLA Group. Income statement

Revenue key figure


Taxonomy-eligible net revenue

Total net revenue

Revenue disclosed in the HHLA Group income statement was analysed across all Group companies to evaluate whether it generated by taxonomy-eligible business activities pursuant to Annex I (Material contribution to climate change mitigation) and Annex II (Material contribution to climate change adaptation) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/852. Following a detailed analysis of the items included in revenue, the respective revenue amounts are allocated to the taxonomy-eligible business activities.


Revenue from sales or lettings and from services rendered, less sales deductions and VAT.


Revenue from sales or lettings and from services rendered, less sales deductions and VAT.