Development of Employees
HHLA Group as of 31.12.

HHLA had a total of 5,345 employees at the end of 2015. Compared with the previous year’s total, the number of employees increased by 151, or 2.9 %. In geographical terms, the workforce was concentrated mainly in Germany, with 3,656 staff members (previous year: 3,591). This corresponds to a share of 68.4 % (previous year: 69.1 %), of whom the majority worked in Hamburg. The number of staff employed abroad rose by 5.4 % to 1,689 in 2015 (previous year: 1,603). This is primarily due to the increase in staff at the Intermodal companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where headcount increased by 11.3 % to 1,093 (previous year: 982).
In Ukraine, the number of employees fell by 1.3 % to 445 (previous year: 451). The remaining 151 employees (previous year: 170) are spread across subsidiaries in Poland, Georgia and Hungary.
by segments |
2015 |
2014 |
Change |
Container |
2,957 |
3,022 |
- 2.2 % |
Intermodal |
1,449 |
1,319 |
9.9 % |
Holding/Others |
668 |
588 |
13.6 % |
Logistics |
232 |
229 |
1.3 % |
Real Estate |
39 |
36 |
8.3 % |
HHLA Group |
5,345 |
5,194 |
2.9 % |
The pooling of functions and management responsibilities within the holding company, which were previously performed by the operative holding HHLA Container Terminals GmbH, impacted headcount of the Container segment and the Holding/Other division. The number of employees in the Container segment decreased by 65 to 2,957 in the year under review (previous year: 3,022), while staff numbers in the strategic management holding company increased by 80 employees to 668. Due to the expansion of services and the increase in value added, staff numbers in the Intermodal segment rose by 130 employees to 1,449. Employee numbers in the Logistics segment remained almost unchanged year-on-year. The Real Estate segment hired 3 new employees and now has a total headcount of 39.
Employees by Segment
as of 31.12.2015

Employees by Region
as of 31.12.2015

The majority of jobs at HHLA are in a segment of the labour market in which men are traditionally employed and women are proportionately less represented. The positive trend of the previous year continued in 2015, and the ratio of women employed by HHLA in Germany increased once again (including apprentices). At 15.2 %, the ratio of women employed by the company was 0.4 percentage points higher than in the previous year. 14.8 %).
Based on the German Law to Implement the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions, the Executive Board has set a target of 25 % for women in first-level management positions directly beneath the Executive Board (status as of 31 December 2015: 15 %). A target of 30 % was set for second-level management positions (status as of 31 December 2015: 21 %). The date set for achieving these quotas is 30 June 2017. see also Corporate Governance Report and the Corporate Management Declaration
As in the previous year, the average age of headcount in Germany was 43 (men: 44, women: 40). The average length of service with the company in Germany is approximately 15 years.
Ø Employment period |
Females |
Total |
< 30 years |
6.0 years |
26.5 |
13.5 |
30 – 50 years |
10.9 years |
15.5 |
54.0 |
> 50 years |
25.2 years |
9.7 |
32.5 |
HHLA Group |
14.9 years |
15.2 |
100.0 |
Women accounted for 18.1 % of the 149 new employees who had not previously worked for HHLA in Germany, for example via general port operations. 40.3 % of new hires were under the age of 30, over half of the new employees were between 30 and 50 years old, and 7.4 % were over the age of 50. Since 2013, HHLA has been employing a self-developed selection process (assessment centre), which not only considers the applicant’s personal and professional suitability, but also diversity aspects. These processes have been used for all blue-collar roles since the end of 2013 and at all container terminals in Hamburg as of 2014. Members of the company’s staff selection panels receive special training. In addition, the selection panel must include at least one woman for all selection processes in which the pool of applicants includes women.
2015 |
Females in % |
Females |
Total |
< 30 years |
28.3 |
17 |
60 |
30 – 50 years |
10.3 |
8 |
78 |
> 50 years |
18.2 |
2 |
11 |
HHLA Group |
18.1 |
27 |
149 |
The fluctuation rate (excluding internal transfers within the Group) in Germany rose to 4.7 % (previous year: 4.3 %). The majority of people leaving the company left due to retirement.