Half-year Financial Report January – June 2024

Editorial notes

Forward-looking statements

This document contains forward-looking statements that are based on the current assumptions and expectations of the Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft (HHLA) management team. Forward-looking statements are indicated through the use of words such as expect, intend, plan, anticipate, assume, believe, estimate and other similar formulations. These statements are not guarantees that these expectations will prove to be correct. The future development and the actual results achieved by HHLA and its affiliated companies are dependent on a wide range of risks and uncertainties and may therefore deviate greatly from the forward-looking statements. Many of these factors are outside of HHLA’s control and therefore cannot be accurately forecast, such as the future economic environment and the actions of competitors and others involved in the marketplace. HHLA neither plans nor undertakes any special obligation to update the forward-looking statements.

Inclusive language

In many places in the report, we have opted to forego the use of separate masculine and feminine forms for easier readability. The masculine form is used to refer to all genders.

Rounding and differences

The key figures in this document are rounded in accordance with standard commercial practice. In individual cases, rounding may result in values in this document not adding up precisely to the amount stated, with corresponding percentages not tallying.

Publication date

This Half-Yearly Financial Report was published on 14 August 2024. It is available in German and English. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the German version shall take precedence.