Notes on GRI reporting

HHLA applies the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards on sustainability reporting, the most commonly used standards of their kind in the world. In doing so, HHLA also facilities comparison at an international level. This report was prepared in accordance with the “Comprehensive” reporting option.

Defining the content for this report

The Sustainability Report is part of the HHLA Annual Report, whose structure is regulated by the disclosure obligation for public limited companies as defined by the German Commercial Code (HGB). The concept of an integrated report includes annual financial and sustainability reporting. It illustrates the interaction between economic, ecological and social factors and their relevance to the company’s long-term success.

In order to determine the material sustainability topics, HHLA once again conducted a materiality analysis in December 2018 in the form of an international online survey for stakeholders. Materiality analysis

The key issues for sustainability reporting were validated using the results of this survey. In the course of refining the sustainability strategy, adjustments were made to the previous fields of activity. HHLA has also formulated new goals for its contribution towards conserving resources and protecting the climate. The amended sustainability strategy will now be implemented under the heading Balanced Logistics. Our sustainability reporting is based on the fields of activity of this strategy. Sustainability strategy

Data collection and calculation methods

Financial statements and reports

All data and information was collected from the respective units responsible for such information using representative methods for the reporting period. HHLA prepares its consolidated financial statements and Interim Reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (). This Annual Report provides further information on IFRS in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Notes to the consolidated financial statements, no. 2 Consolidation principles

The separate financial statements of HHLA AG are prepared in line with the accounting regulations of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The appropriation of profits is based solely on the separate financial statements.

Sustainability performance indicators

Sustainability-relevant key figures are fed into the internal management information system on a monthly basis and analysed. The Executive Board receives a corresponding report. The sustainability performance indicators are calculated every year and published in the Management Report section of the Annual Report, having been signed off by the auditors. This ensures the reliability of the data. Data comparability and consistency is guaranteed by complying with widely used international reporting standards (e.g. the Greenhouse Gas Protocol). Sustainability performance indicators

Risk and opportunity management

Opportunities and risks are analysed using a comprehensive risk management system. Compliance with corporate guidelines as well as with relevant and recognised national and international industry standards is regarded as an essential part of corporate governance at HHLA. Workflows and processes are structured in line with these regulations. External audits at various HHLA companies (including ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 50001 and CTQI [Container Quality Indicator]) confirm compliance with recognised international standards. Risk and opportunity report

Forward-looking statements

Unless otherwise stated, the key figures and information in this report concern the entire Group including associated companies in which the company has a majority holding. Some sections contain forward-looking statements. These estimates and statements were made to the best of our knowledge and in good faith. Future global economic conditions, legislation, market conditions, competitors’ activities and other factors are not within the control of HHLA.

External audit

The combined management report of the HHLA Group and HHLA AG, as well as the consolidated financial statements and notes, were audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Audit opinion

The sections of the Sustainability Report which form part of the non-financial report were also audited.

GRI Content Index

The 2020 Annual Report was prepared in accordance with the international guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) according to GRI Standards: “Comprehensive” option.

Within the scope of the GRI Content Index Service, GRI Services checked whether the GRI Content Index was presented clearly and coherently and that the references for all disclosures were consistent with the corresponding sections of the report. The GRI Content Index refers to parts in this Annual Report or sections of the HHLA website that provide information about individual GRI indicators. The index is available exclusively online at


International financial reporting standards.


In maritime logistics, a terminal is a facility where freight transported by various modes of transport is handled.