Statement from the Chairwoman of the Executive Board

Angela Titzrath Chairwoman
of the Executive Board
Ladies and gentlemen,
Sustainable business practices have been part of the DNA of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG for many years now. This 2019 Sustainability Report clearly describes our efforts and what we have achieved so far. As a leading port and logistics Group based in Hamburg with sites across Europe, we are very aware of our responsibility for humanity, nature and the environment. And we therefore set ourselves correspondingly ambitious targets. Whether we’re discussing innovations for our core business fields – container handling and intermodal – or investments in digital business fields of the future, our decisions are always guided by both the environmental and economic benefit. We have created the Balanced Logistics sustainability brand to use in those areas which demonstrate "this is where HHLA is implementing its sustainability strategy". Balanced Logistics means we find the right balance between economic success, good working conditions, social responsibility, and environmental and climate protection. All four of these elements are equally important to us. Each is a prerequisite for the others: we will only have the means to invest in our most important resource, our employees, and meet our responsibilities for society and the environment if we also have economic success.
Anyone familiar with HHLA knows that we do not simply rest on our laurels. However, we only set ourselves targets that are realistic and measurable. Our climate is not going to improve by announcing future plans, but by acting wisely in the here and now. Furthermore, we need to overcome the “non-communication” between climate change deniers and those demanding immediate, radical action. HHLA actively engages with environmental associations, organisations and initiatives. We listen carefully to understand where we can improve. At the same time, however, we try to ensure a proper assessment of our capabilities and resources. Sharing experience and cooperating with partners is just as important for us when it comes to climate protection as it is for other topics. For example, we actively support the alliance between the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Hamburg Federation of Industry, which aims to improve conditions for companies in Hamburg, to strengthen partnerships between research and industry, and to promote the technological development of climate-friendly production methods. HHLA will support this package of measures with its initiatives of its own. In doing so, we can draw on a wealth of experience and projects that we have already successfully implemented. By investing in environmentally friendly technologies and optimising our processes, we have been able to reduce our specific CO2 emissions by 38.7 percent since 2008.
After carefully evaluating our options and accounting for expected technical innovations, we believe it is possible for the entire HHLA Group to become climate-neutral by 2040. We have therefore made this our goal. By 2030, we want to halve our absolute CO2 emissions on the basis of the 2018 figures.
The successful growth of HHLA is based on its ability to identify trends in good time and to develop the relevant solutions. With this in mind, we are also stepping up the implementation of our sustainability strategy in order to raise the energy efficiency of our processes, conserve resources and steadily reduce emissions.
Angela Titzrath
Chairwoman of the Executive Board
Transportation via several modes of transport (water, rail, road) combining the specific advantages of the respective carriers.
Payments for investments in property, plant and equipment, investment property and intangible assets.