Changes to the Business Forecast
The positive start into the financial year 2017 and the success of the negotiations with the shipping companies thus far regarding new services led to a better visibility of throughput development in the remainder of the year. The Executive Board of HHLA therefore issued an ad hoc announcement on 5 May 2017 elaborating on its expectations regarding volume and earnings developments in the Container segment and thus also regarding the Group’s earnings forecast for the 2017 financial year.
HHLA is now anticipating a significant increase in container throughput (previously: on a par with the previous year). The Container segment’s operating result (EBIT) is forecast to be in the upper half of a range between € 75 million to € 105 million (previously: € 65 million to € 95 million) before possible one-off expenses of up to € 15 million. There are no changes to the other segments.
The updated forecast for the throughput volume is likely to result in a moderate increase in Group revenue (previously: on a par with the previous year). Taking into account segment result developments, the Executive Board is forecasting an operating result (EBIT) for the Port Logistics subgroup in the upper half of a range between € 125 million to € 155 million (previously: € 115 million to € 145 million) before possible one-off expenses in the amount of € 15 million for organisational restructuring of the Container segment. As the operating result for the Real Estate subgroup is still expected to be on a par with the previous year, Group EBIT should now be in the upper half of a range between € 140 million to € 170 million (previously: € 130 million to € 160 million) before possible one-off expenses of up to € 15 million.
All other disclosures made in the 2016 Annual Report about the expected course of business in 2017 remain unchanged.
Hamburg, 8 May 2017
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board

Angela Titzrath

Heinz Brandt

Jens Hansen

Dr. Roland Lappin