At a glance
Revenue and EBIT declined sharply
Negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the macroeconomic environment weakened somewhat in Q3
Still high pressure on transport systems due to blank sailings and reduced utilisation
We are set to expand our network with a majority stake in a new multi-function terminal in the Adriatic port of Trieste and Metrans has already invested in two facilities in Germany
Liquidity sufficient to meet due payment obligations at all times, despite the pandemic-induced burdens
Guidance 2020: Throughput volumes expected to drop strongly while decline in container transport is likely to fall significantly; furthermore, a strong decline in revenue and EBIT is expected
Letter to the Shareholders

HHLA moves what Germany needs. We consistently and single-mindedly fulfil this mission – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is something that consumers and companies can rely on, even in challenging times like these.
Angela TitzrathChairwoman of the Executive Board
Key Figures
Revenue in € million
- 9M 2020 959.9
- 9M 2019 1,044.6
Profit after tax and minority interests in € million
- 9M 2020 37.2
- 9M 2019 83.8
EBIT in € million
- 9M 2020 107.1
- 9M 2019 175.4
Operating cash flow in € million
- 9M 2020 203.5
- 9M 2019 260.1
11.2 %
EBIT margin
6.9 %
Revenue in € million
- 9M 2020 937.4
- 9M 2019 1,020.2
Earnings per share in €
- 9M 2020 0.45
- 9M 2019 1.09
EBIT in € million
- 9M 2020 96.6
- 9M 2019 162.7
Operating cash flow in € million
- 9M 2020 187.6
- 9M 2019 246.4
10.3 %
EBIT margin
6.8 %
Revenue in € million
- 9M 2020 28.2
- 9M 2019 29.9
Earnings per share in €
- 9M 2020 2.19
- 9M 2019 2.69
EBIT in € million
- 9M 2020 10.3
- 9M 2019 12.5
36.5 %
EBIT margin
HHLA Segments
HHLA’s container terminals link ships, rail freight and trucks to create an efficient transport chain. The terminals in Hamburg form the most important European hub between Asia and Central/Eastern Europe. HHLA also operates a container terminal in the Ukrainian city of Odessa and Tallinn in Estonia.
Container throughput
in TEU thousand
- 9M 2020 5,086
- 9M 2019 5,730
in € million
- 9M 2020 548.4
- 9M 2019 605.5
57 %
Share of revenue
HHLA’s rail companies operate a comprehensive transport and terminal network for container transportation and connect ports on the North and Baltic seas, as well as the Northern Adriatic, with their hinterland. Transshipments by truck within the Port of Hamburg round off the service portfolio.
Container transport
in TEU thousand
- 9M 2020 1,129
- 9M 2019 1,184
in € million
- 9M 2020 348.7
- 9M 2019 367.9
36 %
Share of revenue
In this segment, HHLA pools a wide range of port-related services such as dry bulk, vehicle and fruit logistics. New business activities such as additive manufacturing or airborne logistics services complement the range of services. Additionally, HHLA markets its expertise in infrastructure and project development internationally.
Revenue in € million
- 9M 2020 37.9
- 9M 2019 43.9
4 %
Share of revenue
Following the sustainable renovation of Hamburg’s landmarked Speicherstadt historical warehouse district to create an exemplary redeveloped quarter, HHLA is committed to intelligent site development and preserving the city’s fishing tradition with the Hamburg-Altona fish market.
Revenue in € million
- 9M 2020 28.2
- 9M 2019 29.9
3 %
Share of revenue