At a glance
Successful business development continued: throughput exceeds previous year’s strong level while transport and revenues rise significantly; EBIT increases strongly
Dampened market environment: ongoing geopolitical and economic tensions entail persistent uncertainty
Secure future viability: investments in equipment and technology
Ecological responsibility: Roll-out of further offerings for environmentally friendly transport
Guidance confirmed: For 2019 HHLA expects a stable business development with a significant increase in operating result*
* mainly due to changes in lease accounting policy (IFRS 16)
Letter to the Shareholders

The topic of sustainability is also an integral element of our successful business development. We are aware of our social responsibility with regard to climate protection and have already taken numerous steps.
Angela TitzrathChairwoman of the Executive Board
Key Figures
Revenue in € million
- 1H 2019 693.7
- 1H 2018 633.0
Profit after tax and minority interests in € million
- 1H 2019 54.7
- 1H 2018 52.4
EBIT in € million
- 1H 2019 114.3
- 1H 2018 99.9
Operating cash flow in € million
- 1H 2019 173.1
- 1H 2018 95.9
16.5 %
EBIT margin
13.1 %
Port Logistics
Revenue in € million
- 1H 2019 677.5
- 1H 2018 617.1
Earnings per share in €
- 1H 2019 0.71
- 1H 2018 0.68
EBIT in € million
- 1H 2019 105.6
- 1H 2018 91.4
Operating cash flow in € million
- 1H 2019 163.6
- 1H 2018 87.4
15.6 %
EBIT margin
13.5 %
Real Estate
Revenue in € million
- 1H 2019 19.9
- 1H 2018 19.3
Earnings per share in €
- 1H 2019 1.80
- 1H 2018 1.87
EBIT in € million
- 1H 2019 8.5
- 1H 2018 8.4
42.7 %
EBIT margin
HHLA Segments
HHLA’s container terminals link ships, rail freight and trucks to create an efficient transport chain. The terminals in Hamburg form the most important European hub between Asia and Central/Eastern Europe. HHLA also operates a container terminal in the Ukrainian city of Odessa and Tallinn in Estonia.
Container throughput
in TEU thousand
- 1H 2019 3,770
- 1H 2018 3,631
in € million
- 1H 2019 401.7
- 1H 2018 380.3
58 %
Share of revenue
HHLA’s rail companies operate a comprehensive transport and terminal network for container transportation and connect ports on the North and Baltic seas, as well as the Northern Adriatic, with their hinterland. Transshipments by truck within the Port of Hamburg round off the service portfolio.
Container transport
in TEU thousand
- 1H 2019 782
- 1H 2018 713
in € million
- 1H 2019 244.1
- 1H 2018 208.0
35 %
Share of revenue
In this segment, HHLA pools a wide range of port-related services such as dry bulk, vehicle and fruit logistics. The range of services includes both individual partially airborne logistics services as well as complete process chains. Additionally, HHLA markets its expertise in infrastructure and project development internationally.
Revenue in € million
- 1H 2019 29.7
- 1H 2018 25.2
4 %
Share of revenue
Real Estate
Following the sustainable renovation of Hamburg’s landmarked Speicherstadt historical warehouse district to create an exemplary redeveloped quarter, HHLA is committed to intelligent site development and preserving the city’s fishing tradition with the Hamburg-Altona fish market.
Revenue in € million
- 1H 2019 19.9
- 1H 2018 19.3
3 %
Share of revenue