Major Achievements 2018
HHLA with slight revenue increase and a strong operating result in a weakening business environment
Strategically important acquisition of biggest terminal operator in Estonia closed and integration progressing
After takeover of remaining stake in METRANS the integration of POLZUG into the METRANS group and the reorganisation of Polish business are successfully completed
Cash flow impacted by payments for M&A activities
Dividend proposal increased by 19.4 % to € 0.80 for 2018 (for 2017: € 0.67) per listed Class A share
Letter to the Shareholders

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) can look back on a very successful financial year 2018. The already strong results of the previous year were exceeded, with increases in revenue and earnings across the Group. We were true to our word and achieved the ambitious targets we set ourselves.
Angela TitzrathChairwoman of the Executive Board
Key Figures 2018
Revenue in € million
- 2018 1,291.1
- 2017 1,251.8
Profit after tax and minority interests in € million
- 2018 112.3
- 2017 81.1
EBIT in € million
- 2018 204.2
- 2017 173.2
Operating cash flow in € million
- 2018 232.7
- 2017 275.5
15.8 %
EBIT margin
14.8 %
Port Logistics
Revenue in € million
- 2018 1,258.5
- 2017 1,220.3
Earnings per share in €
- 2018 1.47
- 2017 1.02
EBIT in € million
- 2018 188.4
- 2017 156.6
Operating cash flow in € million
- 2018 214.8
- 2017 258.9
15.0 %
EBIT margin
15.5 %
Real Estate
Revenue in € million
- 2018 39.3
- 2017 37.9
Earnings per share in €
- 2018 3.46
- 2017 3.65
EBIT in € million
- 2018 15.5
- 2017 16.3
39.4 %
EBIT margin
HHLA Segments
HHLA’s container terminals link ships, rail freight and trucks to create an efficient transport chain. The terminals in Hamburg form the most important European hub between Asia and Central/Eastern Europe. HHLA also operates a container terminal in the Ukrainian city of Odessa and Tallinn in Estonia.
Container throughput
in TEU thousand
- 2018 7,336
- 2017 7,196
in € million
- 2018 758.9
- 2017 746.6
59 %
Share of revenue
HHLA’s rail companies operate a comprehensive transport and terminal network for container transportation and connect ports on the North and Baltic seas, as well as the Northern Adriatic, with their hinterland. Transshipments by truck within the Port of Hamburg round off the service portfolio.
Container transport
in TEU thousand
- 2018 1,480
- 2017 1,480
in € million
- 2018 433.8
- 2017 414.0
34 %
Share of revenue
In this segment, HHLA pools a wide range of port-related services such as dry bulk, vehicle and fruit logistics. The range of services includes both individual partially airborne logistics services as well as complete process chains. Additionally, HHLA markets its expertise in infrastructure and project development internationally.
Revenue in € million
- 2018 59.8
- 2017 50.8
4 %
Share of revenue
Real Estate
Following the sustainable renovation of Hamburg’s landmarked Speicherstadt historical warehouse district to create an exemplary redeveloped quarter, HHLA is committed to intelligent site development and preserving the city’s fishing tradition with the Hamburg-Altona fish market.
Revenue in € million
- 2018 39.3
- 2017 37.9
3 %
Share of revenue
Chronicle 2018
February 2018
HHLA voluntarily refrains from nuclear transports
HHLA acquires Estonia’s biggest terminal operator
April 2018
HHLA acquires remaining shares of METRANS
Construction law for the dredging of the river Elbe is granted
HHLA and MAN launch project for autonomously driving trucks
HHLA intensifies their links with Lithuanian Railways
HHLA intensifies cooperation with TransContainer in Russia
HHLA and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies establish Joint Venture
Environmental protection enjoys a special status within HHLA since terminals near cities need to be planned and operated with the environment especially in mind. HHLA’s ambitious target to reduce specific CO2 emissions per container by at least 30 % by 2020 compared to 2008 has already been achieved in 2018 at 31.7 %.
Changes in specific CO2 emissions in %
- 2018 68.3
- 2017 100.0
< 5 %
is the share of throughput-related CO2 emissions in international supply chains. Over 80 % originate from sea transport.
Human Resources
Highly competent and hard-working employees form the foundation of our success. As HHLA’s aims to provide its services predominantly with its own personnel, the long-term positive development of the company results in additional jobs, currently mainly in the Intermodal segment.
Development of headcount
- 2018 5,937
- 2017 5,581
14.3 %
more employees since 2014
€ 4.6 million
invested in educating and training in 2018
The commitment to society also includes providing knowledge about port logistics. For this reason, HHLA supports a large number of educational projects, especially for school children, and contributes to social responsibility through an active dialogue on topics relating to the port industry.
Participants in educational projects supported by HHLA
- 2018 1,409
- 2017 1,343
people have participated in educational projects supported by HHLA since 2009
Net value added serves as an indicator for the economic added value generated by HHLA. Added value is shared between employees, shareholders, the state (taxes) and lenders. The added value ratio of HHLA rose by 8.5 % against previous year.
Value added in € million
- 2018 676.0
- 2017 623.2
€ 3.0 billion
value added since 2014